Tegenwind (against the wind/flow) is an intimate portrait of 10 children with a physical and/or mental disability.
Current science has enabled us medically to determine whether a fetus has a birth defect or not. If the result is positive one can choose to terminate the pregnancy and let the phenomenon ‘die out’. Something that would, according to some, relieve society and yield ‘savings’. The question is however; do we want to be a society where deviations are considered inappropriate and undesirable? Where diversity and being different are experienced as a burden and everything must be seen in the context of economic importance. A world that can only be evoked through our imagination because we think the price is otherwise to high. Or do we want a world that tolerates and celebrates diversity. Has a wider palette than the basic colors red, green and blue. But covers the whole spectrum of the rainbow and is about inclusion rather then exclusion.